Selasa, 06 September 2011

Dead frontier MMOPRG

dead frontier adalah sebuah game zombie . sebelum kamu mamainkan game ini. kamu harus membuat ID terlebih dahulu.  ada berbagai macam karakter dan profesi sebagai berikut

Farmer :
Farmers have the skill to raise plants and find food more easily than others, so they are able to generate two to four food items each day. This happens as soon as a Farmer is able to work on a day, but doesn't drain too much energy. However, not all food Farmers produce is instantly ready to feed starving survivors and must be cooked, so Farmers and Chefs can work well together.Farmers, who often work alone, always keep their trusty defensive firearm - a Mini-14 - on their person along with 80 5.5 bullets.
Food Production
  • Level 1 - 10 = Millet
  • Level 11 - 20 = Seeds and Millet
  • Level 21 - 30 = Potatoes, Rice and Seeds
  • Level 31 - 40 = Eggs, Rice and Potatoes.
  • Level 41 - 50 = Eggs, Fresh Meat and Fresh Vegetables
  • Level 51+ = Fresh Meat and Fresh Vegetables

Long ago, Scientists were at the top of the income list, but now that their own work has destroyed most of humanity and scientific resources, they feel obliged to rebuild humanity and help themselves as well as other survivors to accomplish the common goal easier, by creating medications, at least once per day. But often, the medications are too complex for the average survivor and even the Scientist to use, so they can function well together with skilled Doctors. Scientists, never having too little or too much in their wallet, often managed to preserve a bit of currency from better times.
Medicine Production
  • Level 1 - 10 = Steri Strips and Plasters
  • Level 11 - 20 = Antiseptic Sprays, Antibiotics, Steri Strips and Plasters
  • Level 21 - 30 = Bandages, Antiseptic Sprays and Antibiotics
  • Level 31 - 40 = Morphine and Bandages
  • Level 41 - 50 = Nerotonin-2 and Morphine
  • Level 51+ = Nerotonin-2 (occaisonally morphine)

Doctor Edit

Doctors get a little extra starting cash, but they can also administer medications that require a Doctor. The cost for using this ability is a loss of 8% Hunger each time the Doctor uses the ability on anyone including themselves. Doctors are only able to administer a healing item if they have the level to use it.

Chef Edit

Chefs always carry a Chef Knifewith them. Chefs are also able to do a very important service for other survivors, much like Doctors, by preparing food for them. Quite a lot of food was left lying around when the outbreak came, but a lot of it cannot be eaten instantly. That is where Chefs come in, they use their skills to prepare various kinds of food for the masses of hungry survivors. Also Chefs can cook their own food while in the city. However, the cost for this ability is a loss of 8% Hunger for each time the Chef prepares and cooks for anyone or themselves.

Engineer Edit

Most people who knew a lot about technology or mechanical craftsmanship worked in large cities and were, as such, quickly killed in the first waves of zombie invasion, but a few lucky ones remain. Engineers get a small amount of starting cash, but they can also repair armour. Unlike other service classes, the cost for this ability is a loss of 10% Hunger for each time a piece of equipment is repaired.

Stat-Boost Classes Edit

They have an edge over other classes in terms of combat. These characters are in some way more fit (usually due to some kind of body training) for fighting than the average person, and they start the game with a bonus to their starting stats. A Stat-Boost class has more overall power than a character in another category of the same level.

Boxer Edit

Professional Boxers, being quite strong and skilled and always ready to defend themselves, easily fled the most heavily infected areas. Due to their strength and experience, heavy weapons and melee combat are no problem for them, which helps quite a bit when fighting hordes of zombies each day, as dinky pen knives won't get you anywhere and some heavier hardware is eventually required.
Boxers have no special abilities, but their pure strength and skill would scare even the zombies, if they still had minds.

Soldier Edit

A few Soldiers survived in the less infected areas, but most deserted the battlefields, having seen their comrades torn apart and re-animated, or their chain of command wiped out. Having had the most extensive pre-outbreak military training, Soldiers are both physically and mentally well trained. They also have basic training in the use of machine guns, a rare and powerful class of weapon.
A downside of their extremely strict training is that Soldiers have a harder time learning new things, so they progress more slowly than other classes, but even after leaving their empty machine guns and broken body armour in the field, Soldiers always carry a last resort weapon - the trusty Skorpion along with 300 rounds of .32 bullets.

Police Officer Edit

"Police Officer"
Many brave Police Officers had to fight the infected during the earliest outbreaks. These first counter-measures tragically failed. The remaining officers of the force feel a great debt to the remaining survivors who helped them, and those zombies better watch out when the officers come around for Round 2. Due to their limited, but still useful training, Police Officers start with greater proficiency in the use of mid-level firearms, like pistols and shotguns.
The few surviving officers now have to use their backup weapon, the Mancini M1 and 25 shells of 20 Gauge.

Fireman Edit

Firemen, being known for keeping cool in emergency situations, were often the most reliable people to follow during the early stages of the outbreak. Now, they are known as smart and trained melee fighters, wielding their trusty fire axes, they now seek survivors in a burning world gone to hell.
The Fireman's Endurance bonus and axe make for a very strong start. Most Firemen quickly learn to appreciate the power and reach of the Damaged Fire Axe, and the impressive Endurance bonus helps a Fireman to survive against attack.

Athlete Edit

The people who just loved to train their body to the limits did great when they had to flee the infected areas. Still training their bodies and minds, Athletes are very fast and well balanced people, who are great at loot 'n' run tactics, evading enemy hits or just fleeing from any danger they may encounter.
Beside their training, most Athletes have never really fought with weapons, but their agility is a dangerous weapon by itself, enabling them to circle their target and sprint out of the way of flailing limbs.

Role-Playing Classes Edit

They usually have no special bonuses at all. Rather than special skills or increased stats, Role-playing Classes level up faster. A Role-playing Class starts the game with no benefits at all, except maybe any extra cash they had on them, but in the hands of a skilled player they can quickly flourish. Unfortunately, a Role-playing Class will always be found lacking compared to another class of the same level. Perhaps the biggest benefit of a Role-playing Class is that you have a fine degree of control over your character development, instead of starting with certain stat increases. Role-playing Classes include people who had a quite boring, uneventful life before the outbreak. But now, after the crisis, these survivors can finally flourish and show their real potential, now that they are free of social and moral bonds.

Teacher Edit

Before the crisis, Fairview's teachers ranged from private school ex-professors to barely-qualified inner-city personnel. When the city was hit by the wave of the undead, those who were able to reach Nastya's outposts make do with what little textbooks and school supplies to try and make something of the Z-Generation.

Priest Edit

Priests, the "Minds of the Public", were some of the last to stand up and fight, due to their relatively old age, as well as their strong faith and hope for an end. But when the first zombies entered holy ground, most Priests took up the sword of God and killed the unholy beasts without mercy. Now, it is their duty to cleanse the world of the sinful zombie filth. Few Priests survive for long, but those who do still fight with faith and hope in their hearts.

Lawyer Edit

Lawyers were once the most hated professionals on the planet, due to stereotypes of defending evil corporations from righteous lawsuits, or propagating the endless cycle of frivolous lawsuits. This hatred dropped away when people exchanged subponeas for eating brains, naturally. Aside from legal scuffles that Admin or his squad tend to solve by reaching a compromise anyway, their skills haven't been called on for a while.

Accountant Edit

The job of an Accountant was always quite boring and underpaid during the 21st century, but since it was so common and easy to learn, many people had no choice but to accept it as a way of life. Now that many of their colleagues and managers have tried to eat them, they realized that the world has changed, their former career and knowledge is now worthless, and they must now learn a new path to survive through this horror. While others were busy searching for weapons and friends during the beginning of the outbreak, they fled, taking only what they always had with them, cash.

Journalist Edit

Few Journalists were able to observe the outbreak, and even fewer came unharmed out of the crisis zones. Those who did tried their best to warn the public with their gathered intelligence, pictures, and videos. At first the government hid, suppressed, and denied the facts, but soon the outbreak became uncontrollable and the public finally learned the truth. By then, most Journalists had fled the cities already. Journalists are not made for war, so their saved possessions include only a bit of cash.

Actor Edit

For obvious reasons, few Actors are known to have survived from the outbreak. The best-known Actors - idols and celebrities - quickly fell victim to zombies like most of the population, rioting, or a simple lack of survival skills in the lawless wastes. Whether any of the biggest celebrities still live is unknown - and doubtful. The rest were not very much better off - small time indie actors, B-Movie material, or Broadway/Off-Broadway stage actors. Today, very few of them remain. Even of those who still live, almost no Actors would identify themselves as such. Those who do, seem to fancy themselves storytellers and performers - the bards of the new world. Due to the fact that most surviving Actors are penniless romantics or depended on credit cards and off-shore bank accounts that are now worthless, they tend to only have a tiny amount of starting cash.

Stock Broker Edit

"Stock Broker"
Being some of the most skeptical observers of the news and unconfirmed outbreaks, Stock Brokers were not prepared when the time came to leave the business districts. Although, once they realized what was going on, they used what little skills and lots of cash they amassed during their stressed lives to help themselves and others flee the cities. Stock Brokers are very glad that they were rich, even though they are just weak civilians. Always keeping a good load of "emergency cash" with them.

Architect Edit

Architects were a rare and creative breed before the outbreak, generally unprepared for a large-scale disaster. But as their beautiful buildings and grand houses crumbled, many found the inner strength needed to survive and fought just as hard as any other, using their knowledge to help build outposts and barricades.

Entertainer Edit

Entertainers led a strange life. Telling strangers jokes, making people laugh - it was all well and good, but the dead have very poor senses of humor. Escaping with what little cash they could scrounge up, Entertainers are a vital part of Outpost life, continuing their trade even after most audiences have turned into brain-eating monsters.

Student Edit

These resourceful young men and women fight to retake the future that was stolen from them along with their homes, friends and families. Before everything went to Hell, these bright yet inexperienced learners knew little but what their math and English textbooks told them. After the outbreak struck, however, those who survived found themselves alone in a world ridden with death and chaos. With few options left, they abandoned their math and English books and took up a new subject: zombie killing.
A combination of a Role-playing Class and a Stat-Boost class. The Student gets a 22% bonus to Exp, making leveling slightly faster, and also gets a few small stat bonuses, giving the player an early advantage.

Interestingly, the Student class was not included in either of the initial class progress reports. It was added later, after ZerowingR and several other members requested it.
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